Thursday, March 10, 2005

Phone Hog

Ok. So today after lunch, I was in the bathroom that my team, the leopards, share with the Lynx team. As I was about to leave, Ms. Reed, Will's mom, Came out of a stall. She called me over while she washed her hands. This is what she said to me:
Ms. Reed: "Mackenzie, are you doing anything for spring break?"
Me: "No."
Ms. Reed: "Could you try not to hog my phone all day? It's ok sometimes but not all the time."
Me: " Oh ok, sorry."
Ms. Reed: "Yeah, Will doesn't have anything to do so I know you'll be on the phone a lot."
Me: "I never have anything to do! I'm boring."
Ms. Reed: "Don't worry, Will never has plans ether."
Me: "Well, I won't hog the phone. I'll just... pretend I'm doing something!"
Ms. Reed: "Ha! Yeah."

Wow! That's SAD!!! Well, I got to go. I have to call Will!

Man! Thinking is hard.

1 comment:

Mac&Cheese said...

I asked him to hang out this sat. but he was spending the night at zacks house