Friday, March 25, 2005

Bye Bye CeCe

Ok, so Kathy and CeCe have been fighting for the past month over a whole bunch of stuff. Now, I'm not compleatly sure what started it but I know CeCe Did something really bad. Then Kathy did some stuff back to her and about week ago, Kathy called me yelling and screamming that CeCe had log in with Kathy's user name and said bad things about her to all of Kathy's IM pals. Kathy was so mad, but I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth. So anywho, Kathy was over reacting. She even said she was going to tell lies about her to all her friends. I told her that wasn't the right thing to do. She said it was ether that or she would beat the crap out of her. Well, I wasn't sure what to think about that. Then, tuesday night, CeCe called saying she had people threatening her. She said it was a whole bunch of people including Lena. When she said that, I knew it had something to do with Kathy. She also said Kathy told her not to wear white pants the next day cause something was going to happen. I told CeCe to tell the Principle cause that was a threat. Now, because CeCe's gotten all these threats, she's changing schools. She's not sure for how long but I know we'll probably not see each other for a while. Well, I guess Kathy got her wish. Thanks a lot, Kathy! ;(

Man! Thinking is hard.


Scotty said...

Well then. I'm not to sure what to tell you about that one. I never have been a big Kathy fan though. I know you probably would want to side with either of your friends, but maybe you could be a mediator or liason.(these are probably spelled wrong.) A referie basically. But the best thing would probably be to just not do what I say, and come up with your own wonderful Kenzie solution.

Sleeping Mommy said...

actually scotty, you spelled mediatyor and liason correct,you did however, screw up referee. smooth.... Anywho (see, you can she's my little sister, she copies me!) I am proud of you cheese, instead of getting in the middle, you did the right thing and kept a level head about you and handled it the right way. I think it is just sad that we live in aworld today where you have to change schools if ou get into and arguement with somebody, so they don't kill you.

Sleeping Mommy said...

sorry about above post, I am snoring daddy, sleeping mommies husband, mac's brother. she told me to make sure I sign in as myself, as usual, I never listen.

Sleeping Mommy said...

Sigh...No you never do listen Jeff!

This time it is me, Ammie.

Mac, I am very proud of you too for advising both of your friends to do the right thing. I'm so sorry that you were put in this situation but you did the right thing. It's just sad that your friends have to act like that. When will teenaged girls learn? But the sad thing is that they probably come from mothers who would do things like this to their friends. Obviously you don't. You have a better example to follow and that is good that you have been paying attention.

Scotty said...

Sorry I meant to say, "WOULD NOT"(want to side with you either friend.) I guess I just thought about typing 'not' and didn't. Happens a the friggin time. Anyway, sory for the miscommunication.