Sunday, May 08, 2005


Ok, so in english class we're making holocaust posters. I was look ing at some pictures to put on mine and started getting sick. I just don't get how someone can be so evil. Anyway, I saw this picture of of Ann Frank and I got chills.
My poster is going to say "You may not have seen it, but I can still hear the screams."
You like it?
Will called me at like 9:45 last night to talk about the holocaust. He was really upset about all this stuff he saw. He was looking up this doctor that did tests on holocaust victums. He was watching a video in the librairy. He had to turn it off because a whole bunch of 6th and 7th graders were gathered around him and it was scaring them. It scared him too and that's why he had to talk to me.

Man! Thinking is hard.


Party Pascha said...

I don't doubt it scared him. It is not an easy thing to see, hear, talk about, or whatever.

Love you,

Party Pascha said...

Hey, are you going to do my meme? If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to my blog and read the post called, "Ahh, meme"

Sleeping Mommy said...

It's a sad fact that there is alot of ugliness in life. Luckily we have our families and our health and can hang on to one another and be thankful that we haven't been throough anything that horrific.

I think your slogan for your poster is very good. It captures exactly why we need to remember the Holocaust. So we don't have to hear those screams again.