Thursday, July 14, 2005

No Sleep

Ok, so yesterday night, I didn't sleep at all. You know why? Cause I was reading a book the whole night. One minute the clock said 1:00 then all of a sudden it was 6 in the morning. I just couldn't put the book down. It was so good! It's called Lily's Ghosts. I finished it that night. It had so many twists! I wish I could tell you the whole book, but I can't cause I want Sam to read it. I strongly sugest you to read it. All of you do.

" It's dot com."

1 comment:

Party Pascha said...

I use to do that. All the time! I kinda miss it. The reading. Not necesarilly the staying up all night part. I like to sleep. The reading. Yeah, the reading. I wish I could read a book. Not some crappy-ass magazine, but a real live book! Yeah, I know books aren't live. But they can be. In your head. When you get all into them and everything plays out in your head and then the next thing you know, it's 6 in the morning! *sigh*